10/01/2021 -St Therese, the Little Flower

Today is the feast of St Therese, the Little Flower.

“Two quotes from St Therese that have stuck with me whenever I feel frustrated at my lack of endurance in my faith. The first relates to sleep.

She said: “I should be distressed that I drop off to sleep during my prayers and during my thanksgiving after Holy Communion. But I don’t feel at all distressed. I know that children are just as dear to their parents whether they are sleep or awake and I know that doctors put their patients to sleep before they operate. So I just think that God “knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.”

The second quote is the admittance of St Therese that despite her great love of the Virgin Mary, she struggled to pray the rosary.

“When alone (I am ashamed to admit it) the recitation of the rosary is more difficult for me than the wearing of an instrument of penance.”

But, as a reminder to all of us, she also wrote:

“Now I am less desolate; I think that the Queen of heaven, since she is my mother, must see my good will and she is satisfied with it.”

The important thing, as St Therese knew, was that, though we fail and know that we may fail again, we try. (by Ruth Kennedy)

P.S. Saturday is the First Saturday. Remember Our Lady promises us that if we make the First Saturdays that many souls will be saved and there will be peace. She will also assist you at the hour of your death.

Fr Darren Brennan will lead the Rosary and Meditations on Zoom at 8pm Irish time on Saturday. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83228285884?pwd=MUR3U1Z5c1RESm9iV1VPdkl2bFVnUT09

If you are more of a morning person then you can join Fr Gerry McCloskey on Saturday who will celebrate the First Saturday from 9.15am. Here is the link: https://www.churchservices.tv/ardglass

A special App has been designed to help you keep track of the First Saturdays you have done and explain more to you. The App is called “5 First Saturdays ” and is available on the Google Play store.