03/23/2021 – St. Thomas Aquinas

St Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican priest and theologian, loved the Rosary.

Through the Rosary he was so devoted to the Blessed Virginand so grateful to her for this devotion that he composed a prayer in her honour saying that the Virgin Mary “must be shown every honor, preached and praised, and invoked by us in our every need.”

“O most blessed and most sweet Virgin Mary full of mercy,to thy compassion I recommend my soul and body, my thoughts, actions, life and death.O my Lady, help and strengthen me against the snares of the devil; obtain me true and perfect love with which to love thy most beloved Son and my Lord Jesus Christ with my whole heart, and after Him to love thee above all things.

My Queen and Mother, by thy most powerful intercession,grant that I may persevere in this love until deathand after death be conducted by thee to the kingdom of the blessed.”

P.S. Here’s a wee video of the Mens rosary in Cork in March. Next one is April 2nd https://youtu.be/e73ZpNwfwSI