02/21/2022 – Our Lady’s Special protection through the Rosary
Two ladies emailed us about Our Lady’s special protection through the rosary. I have changed the names in the emails for privacy purposes. Marianne wrote:
“On Sunday I was driving more or less most of the day and I felt a prompt to get my tyres checked. The next day the tyre was checked and I was told that my tyre was dangerous, he showed me the hole in the side of my tyre. It was then I realised the protective power of Our Lady and Jesus, as during my journey I was tuned into radio Maria, Mass, Rosary and prayers of the day. I was at one level shocked and another so grateful and thankful”
Kaylie wrote:
“My husband (now deceased) and I always said the rosary. Our eldest son, when he was 18 years old passed his driving test and got his driving licence and insurance. The following day, he was driving our car from our house with a girlfriend in the car when he ploughed into a car in front of him at high speed. The mother who was driving the car had her 3 young children strapped in the back seat. Both cars were written off and the 6 people got out without a scratch. A short time later our daughter was driving our other car when she got distracted. The car left the road, hit a barrier and was written off and she walked out of it without a scratch. So 2 of our children had written off 3 cars within weeks but the miraculous thing is the 7 people in those cars walked out of them without a scratch on any of their bodies”. All thanks to Jesus and Mary and the Rosary.