07/07/2022 – Servant of God Rhoda Wise
Servant of God Rhoda Wise’s conversion to the Catholic Church was with the Rosary. She wrote, “During my long stay in the hospital, I, a Protestant, became interested in the Rosary and had one of the Sisters teach me how to say it. Soon after, I learned about St. Theresa, the Little Flower of Jesus, and became greatly devoted to her, making one novena after another to her. I then felt myself drawn to the Catholic Church and after being instructed by Monsignor Habig, the pastor of St. Peter’s Church, I was received into the church by him on January 1st, 1939.”
For the rest of her life, a life marked by many mystical phenomena including the stigmata, the rosary was her foundation. It was the tether that anchored her to her Blessed Mother, to her beloved Sacred Heart of Jesus and to her teacher, St Therese the Little Flower.
Many people came to her house seeking spiritual guidance and physical cures and many were healed. To all of them she recommended the daily rosary.
Ten days before her death on July 7, 1948 Jesus appeared to her showing her His Sacred Heart, and told her, “Tell the people not nearly enough of them are saying the daily Rosary; they must say the Rosary for the conversion of Russia…”
This message is important today….pray the Rosary, pray for Russia.