08/18/2022 – Japan Persecution

In 1620, the shogunate of Japan banned Christianity. On 18 August, in the first year of more than a decade of intense persecution two young families were arrested and crucified upside down – Thomas, Mary and their 2 year old James and Simon and Magdalena Kiota.

Their crime, Simon was a catechist and his wife, and the Guengoros family helped him in his mission, and tried to protect him when he came under scrutiny of the shogunate.

The couples refused to give up the faith. One might ask where they got the strength to remain steadfast. The two couples were members of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. This ancient Confraternity encourages devotion to the Blessed Virgin and her rosary and benefit in the following ways:

1.The special protection of the Mother of God.

  1. A share in the prayer of countless thousands of members the world over, and this even after death.
  2. A share in the prayers, Masses and apostolic works of the entire Dominican Order.
  3. The intercession of the entire heavenly court.
  4. Various plenary and partial indulgences.

Like the Japanese martyrs of today’s feast, we too can join the confraternity and benefit from this same fountain of Grace.