09/07/2021 – Praying all Night

Dia dhuit,

In our Gospel today we see that Jesus goes to the hills to pray.We are told that He spends the whole night in prayer. Prayer is very important for us.As someone once said it’s our umbilical cord to the LORD.It keeps us on course, focused, centred. The Catechism defines prayer as the raising of the heart (and mind) to God.Prayer can come in many different forms, from a glance upwards, to the Rosary, some time in silence, or the greatest prayer of all, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.Isn’t it interesting to see that Jesus takes time to pray. He spends the whole night in prayer before making a BIG decision – the choosing of the 12. Prayer should precede all our major decisions.The people also crowd around Jesus in today’s Gospel for healing, and perhaps the strength He needed to help them came from His prayer. So perhaps today, dear friends, we can take a few moments to honestly evaluate our prayer life. Are we raising our hearts to God or are we going through the motions a bit?

God bless you,
Fr Marius

P.S. Some fantastic news. The Rosary on the Coast for Life & Faith will take place this year on Sunday, October 10th. We encourage you also to gather at grottos this year. To register a location, no matter how small, go to www.coastalrosaryireland.comPlease spread the word.