1/11/2022 – Our Lady of Bessiere
Today, is the Feast of Our Lady of Bessiere, France.
Many miracles are associated with this devotion.
In his hatred of Catholicism a Huguenot heretic used to ambush pilgrims walking to the shrine. He would block their way, mocking their faith. He would grab their rosaries which they had been praying on the last leg of their pilgrimage, stomping on them, and scattering the beads.
One day approaching his home after terrorising pilgrims, “he saw his house go up in flames before his very eyes. Even with the assistance of his neighbors, all attempts to put out the flames were fruitless.
In a matter of minutes his house was fully engulfed in flames. As the fire was at its height, Our Lady appeared in the flames in all her majesty and was seen to frown upon the heretic. This vision was witnessed by all present, who immediately fell upon their knees, urging the heretic to do likewise.
A broken man, frightened and frustrated, he prostrated himself, calling upon the Mother of God to be merciful to him.His pleas were not in vain, but it was not his house that she saved, but his soul. In that moment he experienced a true and lasting conversion. He went on to live a very penitential life, and died a true believer.” (roman-catholic-saints.org)