11/5/2021 – St. Elizabeth
Today, the feast of Ss Elizabeth and Zachary is a wonderful day to meditate on the second Joyful mystery of the rosary, the Visitation.
To reflect on the response of Mary and Zachary to the angel and to the message he brought from God.
Mary’s response was whole hearted, humble and obedient.
Zachary’s response was not. He did not believe.
It was only in the silence of the muteness, that God imposed on him, that Zachary was able to believe and grow in humility to accept the mission of raising the greatest of prophets, the precursor of the Messiah.
It is telling that his voice only returned when in an act of obedience and humility, at his son’s circumcision, he wrote “His name is John” rather than a family name as was the custom to maintain the prestige of the family.
P.S. Don’t forget that Saturday is the First Saturday.
Remember Our Lady promises us that if we make the First Saturdays that many souls will be saved and there will be peace.
She will also assist you at the hour of your death.
Rosary and Meditations continue on Zoom at 8pm Irish time on Saturday. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83228285884?pwd=MUR3U1Z5c1RESm9iV1VPdkl2bFVnUT09
If you are more of a morning person then you can join Fr Gerry McCloskey on Saturday who will celebrate the First Saturday from 9.15am. Here is the link: https://www.churchservices.tv/ardglass
A special App has been designed to help you keep track of the First Saturdays you have done and explain more to you. The App is called “5 First Saturdays ” and is available on the Google Play store.