04/06/2022 – Blessed Pier Giorgio

Today is Blessed Pier Giorgio’s birthday.

Pier Giorgo Frassati loved life with the joy of a child of Mary!

“Pier Giorgio’s best friend Marco Beltramo wrote, “We can’t understand the spirituality of Pier Giorgio if we don’t understand his love for the Blessed Virgin Mary.” His love for Our Lady was one that began at an early age and grew as he did. He was known for bringing fresh flowers to his beloved Madonna of Oropa in every kind of weather. He would often fall asleep on his knees praying the rosary by his bed.

Friends recount how he would lead the rosary when they were on retreat, on trains, in the mountains. He carried a rosary with him always and gave them as gifts to his friends. As a lay Dominican, he would pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary “on the streets and going to and from school.” He enrolled in the Marian Sodality and wore a medal of Our Lady around his neck.

And, according to his sister Luciana, he consecrated himself to the Blessed Mother in May 1918 when he was 17 years old.… Once, as he left a church with his rosary in his hand, someone said to him, “So, Pier Giorgio, you have become a religious fanatic?” He calmly answered, “No, I have remained a Christian.” (frassatiusa.org)

And under Mary’s mantle Pier Giorgio did remain a Christian and with his infectious enthusiasm brought many others to the faith before he died at 24 years old.Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati…pray for us.