08/15/2022 – Fourth Glorious Mystery the Assumption
Mark Shea writes of the Fourth Glorious Mystery,
“In meditating on the Assumption, as distinct from simply acknowledging the doctrine, what strikes me is the sheer happiness of the thing. Here is the complete overcoming of death. A triumph over death that is not simply given in earnest, but is carried all the way through to the completion of the deed. In Jesus’ resurrection, Mary receives the promise of her own triumph over death.
But of course that triumph is only fully experienced by Mary when she herself triumphs over death in the Assumption. In the same way, we also live in the now and the not yet.
Jesus has been raised. Mary has shared in that triumph over death so that we can see how the gift plays out in the life of the disciple. But we too have yet to wait for our own personal defeat of death.
The temptation is to be afraid of this. But the lesson of Mary’s life is that, once it is all over, we will look back with pure joy and laugh at death at a shadow that shall never trouble us again.”
P.S. Today is Day 1 of the 54 Day Rosary Novena for Life and Faith in Ireland
“…the Rosary is a priceless treasure which is inspired by God. Almighty God has given it to you because he wants you to use it as a means to convert the most hardened sinners and the most obstinate heretics. He has attached to it grace in this life and glory in the next…If such a priest really understands this secret, he will say the Rosary each day and will encourage others to say it. God and his blessed Mother will pour abundant grace into his soul, so that he may become God’s instrument for his glory; and his word, “
St Louis De Montfort