09/04/2021 – First Saturdays
Dia dhuit,
Today is the First Saturday. We honour Our Blessed Mother on each Saturday, but today, once a month, we also make reparation for the offenses committed against her, which greatly offend God. Jesus told Sr Lucia that there are five great offenses against Our Blessed Mother
- Blasphemies against her Immaculate Conception
- Mockery and denials of her virginity
- Mockery and denials of her Divine Maternity
- Those who seek publicly to implant in the hearts of children, indifference, disrespect and even hatred of Our Lady
- Those who revile her directly in her images
Our Lady told Sr Lucia how these wound her: “See, my daughter, my Heart encircled by thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. Do you, at least, strive to console me. “Our Lady also makes a great promise to those who console her: “Tell them that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who, in order to make reparation to me, on the First Saturday of five successive months, go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for a quarter of an hour, meditating on the … mysteries of the Rosary. “At Fatima she also promised peace in the world and that many souls would be saved if we do the First Saturdays. The late Fr Seraphim used to tell this story.A priest in Japan was approached one day by an Ambassador. The ambassador asked him if he was a Catholic Priest. After he confirmed this, the Ambassador said: “You Catholics are responsible for the wars in the world.” The priest was shocked and asked: “how do you mean?” The Ambassador said: “I’ve read about the Lady coming to Fatima, and she told you Catholics what to do to bring peace to the world, and you haven’t listened to her. She came to you Catholics. Not to Buddhists. Not to Hindus. She came to you, and it is your responsibility.” So dear friends, let’s do as Our Blessed Mother asks, and save souls, bring about peace, and enjoy her assistance at the hour of your death.
Join us at 8pm tonight on Zoom for the Rosary and 15 minute meditation, and then you have to go to Mass and Confession within 8 days. All has to be done with the intention of making reparation for the offenses against Our Lady. Or join Fr Gerry at 9.15am live from Ardglass, Co Down. The links are below.
Ave Maria!
God bless you,
Fr Marius
Zoom link for 8pm tonight: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83228285884…The link for Fr Gerry McCluskey from 9.15am is: https://www.churchservices.tv/ardglass