11/18/2021 – Blessed Karolina Kozka

Blessed Karolina Kózka was only fifteen years old in 1914 when she died a martyr for chastity.

“With the outbreak of World War I Russian forces began occupying Polish towns and cities…. Tensions grew as stories swirled about soldiers looting and raping women which exacerbated fear in the area.

At the start of the occupation a Russian soldier came to the Kózka farm.” Physically, the soldier was much stronger than the Karolina, but Karolina had a spiritual strength that the soldier did not expect. Enraged at her resistance, he repeatedly stabbed her. Where did this strength come from?

“Her childhood was spent on the family farm (in Poland). She would often gather neighbours and relatives and invite them to read the Bible together under a pear tree near her home. Kózka loved reciting the rosary using beads her mother had given her. She would fall asleep praying to Mary. Kózka would pray on her long walk to Mass. …She also helped out teaching the catechism to children of the parish.

During Lent she would lead her family in singing about the Passion of the Lord and at Christmas would intone carols. Some of the villagers referred to her home as “the little church”.

Kózka received her First Communion in 1907. She was confirmed on 18 May 1914. She is said to have had a particular devotion to the Mother of God evidenced by her custom to recite the rosary deep into the night.” (catholic.org)

Blessed Karolina, Pray for us!