8/28/2021 – St Augustine

Dia dhuit,

Isn’t it beautiful that today we celebrate the son (St Augustine) of yesterday’s saint (St Monica). St Augustine was brought up as a Christian but he left the Church early on and spent a great deal of time searching for the truth. Firstly he was involved with the Manichean Heresy, and then later with Neoplatonism. Then through the prayers (and tears) of his mother, and the inspiring teaching of St Ambrose, he converted back to Christianity shortly before his dear mother died.He became a priest, bishop, saint, and Doctor of the Church. The Story of St Augustine fills us with hope – hope for ourselves and our own on-going conversion, and also for those we love, who may currently be on the wrong path. St Augustine was restless until his heart rested in the LORD.We are reminded that our own hearts are made for God, and only in Him will we find true rest and peace, as Jesus promises us. As our psalm today says: “Sing a new song to the LORD, for He has worked wonders.”

God bless you,
Fr Marius