08/07/2022 – Sister Andre Randon

Sister Andre Randon, a French nun, celebrated her 118th birthday on Feb. 11 last. She is the oldest religious and the oldest person in Europe and second oldest in the word.Sister was a protestant in her childhood but has been a Catholic for a hundred years. In 1944, she became a nun and spent WWII, caring for the injured and ill.

So what does one give someone that old for their birthday…a rosary! And that is what Pope Francis did, for her 115th birthday three years ago, he blessed a special rosary and sent it to her with a message of congratulations. Sister Andre prays with the papal rosary every day.

When she turned 116 in 2020, the Vincentian nun shared her “recipe for a happy life” — prayer (especially the rosary) and a cup of hot cocoa every day.

Last year she recovered from Covid and when asked if she had been frightened she said, “No, I wasn’t scared because I wasn’t scared to die … I’m happy to be with you, but I would wish to be somewhere else — heaven with my big brother and my grandfather and my grandmother.”

(Francesca Pollio Fenton)

P.S. The latest episode of The Totus Tuus Show is now available to view. We discuss the GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD. I hope you enjoy it!